Indianola CareerQuest Gold

College and Career Readiness in Iowa

Iowa students who are college and career ready have acquired the necessary knowledge, skills, and strategies to be successful in postsecondary opportunities as demonstrated through multiple sources of evidence, including those generated by students. Iowa students who are college and career ready have successfully…

Achieved Proficiency In Essential Content Knowledge

  • Meets grade level benchmark on FAST math and reading
  • Is secure on grade level identified Iowa Core Standards
  • Is proficient in all three areas of the ISASP assessment
  • Acquired Practical Transition Skills
  • Developed Key Learning Skills And Cognitive Strategies

Acquired Practical Transition Skills

  • Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

Develop Key Learning Skills and Cognitive Strategies

  • Collaborative Learning Experiences

Built A Strong Foundation of Self Understanding And Engagement Strategies

  • At Laura Ingalls Wilder, teachers and staff have had training on Responsive Classroom strategies. Responsive Classroom strategies not only addresses the academic needs of students, but the SEBMH- social, emotional, behavioral, and mental health as well.  Responsive Classroom provides this instruction at the universal level, which means every student receives it. At LIW, we target specific social, emotional, behavioral, and mental health themes each month through our Morning Meeting activities. 
    • The purpose of Morning Meeting is to create a sense of community and reinforce academic and social skills in engaging and interactive ways.  Morning Meeting gives students a consistent time and place every day to explore and practice social skills and to merge social, emotional, and academic learning.