Laura Ingalls Wilder School Fast Facts
Laura Ingalls Wilder Elementary is a family friendly school that honors and supports parents in the education of their child. We are a community of educators who work to promote positive relationships among all members of our learning community.
Learning Structure
- Approximate enrollment of 480 students in grades Kindergarten-Fifth Grade
- Class sizes
- K-2–approximately no more than 25
- 3-5–approximately no more than 29
- The school day is 7:45-2:55 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.
- The school day is 7:45-1:55 on Wednesdays.
- The Elementary schools operates on a 6 Day cycle. Students attend Art, Music and PE twice during a cycle while attending Guidance and Media once during a cycle.
- Students will also attend a Science class twice in a 6 Day cycle.
Student Demographics and Learning
- Approximate 5% minority student body
- 43% Free and Reduced Lunch population
- Laura Ingalls Wilder Elementary was opened for the 2008-09 school year.
- Major renovation to the playground occurred during the summer of 2018.
- Wireless connections throughout the building.
Student Support Services
- Our Counselor serves students in whole group, small group, and individual settings.
- Reading support is provided to those students who qualify.
- School-based therapy is available for families in need.
- Approved visitors sign in at the office to receive a visitor’s pass. A photo ID is required.
- Building newsletter is emailed on Fridays. Paper copies are available upon request.
- Call the office for all attendance communication and notes from home.
- Materials are delivered to students by the office secretaries or office helpers.
- Please reference the elementary handbook on this website for further information.