Irving Elementary Fast Facts
The positive learning community of Irving Elementary will stimulate rigorous academic growth of all students engaged in a broad spectrum of learning opportunities resulting in productive, contributing citizens prepared for success in life.
Learning Structure
- Approximate enrollment of 400 students in grades Kindergarten-Fifth Grade
- Class sizes
- K-2–approximately no more than 25
- 3-5–approximately no more than 29
- The school day is 7:50-3:00 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. 7:50-2:00 on Wednesdays.
- The Elementary schools operate on a 6 Day cycle. Students attend Art, Music and PE twice during a cycle while attending Guidance and Media once during a cycle.
Year Round
- Still only 180 days of school
- Breaks spread out throughout the year
- Summer-5-6 week break
- Fall–3 week break, optional intersession classes the first two weeks
- Spring–2 week break, optional intersession class the second week
- Intersession classes are fee based and multi-grade structured
- Students have the option to register for one or both weeks; morning, afternoon, or all day
Student Demographics
- Less than 1% English as a Second Language Learner (ESL)
- Approximate 6% minority student body
- Over 80% of students are proficient as measured by the Iowa Assessment for reading, math, science
- 17% Free and Reduced Lunch population
- Irving built in 1953 as a two story building
- A three level story was added in 1980.
- Renovation to the building and playground in 2014. Renovations included:
- Safety and security of interior and exterior doors
- New main office
- New playground and blacktop
- New staff parking and bus drop off/pick up
- 31 classrooms with separate gym, lunchroom, media center and computer lab
- Elevator for handicap accessibility
- Wireless connections throughout the building.
- Approved visitors sign-in at the office to receive a visitor’s pass. A photo ID is required.
- Office newsletter is emailed weekly. Paper copies are available by request.
- Call the office for all attendance communication and notes from home.
- Please reference the elementary school handbook on this website for further information.