Backpacks 4 Hunger
All Indianola Middle School students are eligible to participate in this food program. Local organizations donate their time and money to fill sacks with food items, and school counselors place these sacks in students’ lockers on Friday. Call a school counselor to participate.
Calming Area
The common area outside the counseling offices is arranged to be a calming area for students. The lights are lowered, and there are fidgets, coloring material, and comfortable seats available. Students check-in with a counselor before using the calming area.
School-based Therapy Services
Indianola School District provides additional supports to our students by partnering with Integrative Counseling Solutions, a company that provides mental health counseling for students at school. Therapy is provided by a licensed therapist, and there typically is no waiting list for services.
If you are interested in finding out more about school-based therapy, contact your student’s grade-level counselor, or you can contact Integrative Counseling Solutions at 515-267-1340 for more information plus payment and insurance options.
Students seek mental health services to help with issues such as depression, anxiety, grief, trauma, anger, ADD/ADHD, stress management, relationship issues, and more.
Second Step Curriculum
Second Step Curriculum is utilized at the elementary and middle school grade levels to address the academic, career, and social emotional needs of students.
Warren County Resource 2-1-1 Directory
The 2-1-1 Directory lists many of the human services agencies in Iowa. 515-246-6555