Clubs are in alphabetical orderDiverse Workforce Logo





Art Club

Click here to learn about Art Club!

Monica Weinman


Indianola High School Art Club meets once-twice a month. Highlighted events include: Homecoming window painting, socials, potlucks, open studios, MAD dance, art activities and more! Each year the club elects officers. These are posted outside the 2D Art Room. The club is run by Mrs. Weinman and the Art officers. We communicate through the Remind App and many social media outlets. Events are also posted in the IHS daily announcements. We hope you join today ($5 per year) for a creative, fun and memorable time!
Book Club Emily Schwery High School Counselor Emily Schwery, Indianola Counselor, sponsors the IHS Book Club. The club is open to any student attending IHS. Book discussions are held once a month September – April at 3:15 in the library.  Students vote on a list of books to be read and the Friends of the Indianola Public Library purchase the paperback books for the students to keep each month.
Debate Club Maddysin Kingery
Indianola High School has a debate team for the first time since the pandemic and has been working diligently since the beginning of the year to prepare for their participation in the Central Iowa Debate League tournaments. The IHS team for this season features four 2-person teams- two on varsity and two at the JV level. The two-person teams prepare arguments for both the affirmative and negative sides of a selected topic, utilizing main contentions and evidence to support the impacts of those claims on those who would be affected by them. This month’s topic is currently “Resolved: The US federal government should substantially increase their military presence in the Arctic.”
Students utilize a 4-minute constructive speech to lay out their contentions and evidence for their side and then listen to their opponents so they may be able to provide a rebuttal and crossfire to convince their judge of their position.
Dungeons and Dragons Quinn Whitaker Dungeons and Dragons Club meets once or twice weekly and participates in an ongoing campaign of Dungeons and Dragons.  This game involves students creating their own story and role-playing it in real time while also adjusting to changes brought about by circumstances of their own making.  It’s like a novel that is constantly evolving due to outside forces and students have to implement their critical thinking and problem-solving skills to adapt to these conflicts.  Behind all of this is a student called a Game Master, who would be involved at an administrative level of the club, and is involved in the decision-making of the entire club.
Creative Writing Club

Check out our introduction link!

Jonathan Bethards

Quinn Whitaker

The IHS Creative Writing Club meets every Thursday after school to craft original fiction, poetry, drama, and all other types of writing. The group shares and publishes our writing through our own literary magazine, Imprints.

Click here to learn more about DECA!

Jamie Busby DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America) is an organization for students with an interest in the business field. The mission of DECA is to prepare students to develop into emerging leaders in the fields of business administration, finance, marketing, and hospitality and tourism. Students may attend leadership conferences where they hear real world experience and tips from those in the industry. Students can also compete in a variety of ways. They may compete in role plays where they are judged based on their communication skills through providing explanation of business terms and ideas over a case study. Students can also compete in a wide range of written projects, such as composing an advertising campaign for a local business. Students who place high enough at the state competition in February have the opportunity to compete at the international competition held in either Nashville, Atlanta, Anaheim, or Orlando. More information about our club and competition can be found on our website:
Diversity Club

GSA – Gender and Sexuality Alliance

Quinn Whitaker GSA is a student-led group advocating for greater awareness of the issues faced by gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and non-binary students, and promoting a safer school environment free of bullying and harassment.  The group meets weekly after school to share experiences, support one another, and plan projects and participation within the school community. All students, including those who do not fit these categories but are supportive or interested in these issues, are welcome.
Drama Club/Theatre Crew

Link to a introductory video!

Wendy Arch

Pitt Strohm

Brandi Ann Wilson


This year Drama Club and Theatre Crew have combined to provide an all-inclusive theatrical atmosphere and experience.  In the Indianola Theatre Department, you’ll have a chance to participate in all aspects of theatre – on stage, behind stage, and more!

We also get the opportunity to participate in fun activities such as Thespian Festival, elementary drama camp, concert set up, social gatherings, workshops, and lettering! Participate at will in any of our activities.

Environmental Awareness Club

Check out this video link!

Jonathan Bethards The Indianola Environment Awareness Club welcomes all students who are passionate about the environment, who wish to engage in a dialogue about the effects of Global Warming, who want to take action on a local level, and who want to sustain a global conversation about the positive changes individuals can take to give back to our global community. EAC meets periodically throughout the semester, plans fundraisers and volunteer opportunities to promote our mission.
ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Courtney Bethards The ESOL Club goal is to unite and celebrate students of all cultures and backgrounds.  Students share their backgrounds and experiences so others can learn about their cultures.
FCCLA  (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America) Delaney Black Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a student organization that helps students become leaders and address important personal, family, work and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences Education. FCCLA activities are planned and run by student members and student officers. It is the only student organization with the family as its central focus. Participation in state/national programs and chapter activities helps members become strong leaders in their families, careers and communities. Our Indianola High School FCCLA chapter focuses on community service activities as our central focus. We also provide opportunities for field trips to a variety of local, state, and national leadership conferences.
FFA (Future Farmers of America) Jacob Smith The National FFA Organization is a youth leadership organization that makes a positive difference in the lives of young people by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agriculture education.
Fall Play Wendy Arch


The fall play is a large, non-musical production performed in the fall semester.  All students are welcome to audition. Auditions and rehearsals will begin shortly after the start of the school year.  We will rehearse at least four (4) times a week for several hours either immediately after school or in the evening to best fit student & teacher schedules.

Students can also participate in the Fall Play by working behind the scenes in all technical aspects of the production (set, lights, sound, etc.).

Global Citizen Program – Teen Travel and Leadership Mary Summy
A Transformative, Immersive and Culturally-Rich Experience. The Global Citizen Program is a series of international teen summer travel programs designed for middle and high school students. Students will learn what it means to be a global citizen, not just by traveling abroad, but by stepping out of
Mrs. Mary Summy, a retired Indianola teacher, will be leading a group of high school students to France, Spain, and Portugal July 9-25, 2022. This is a 17-day educational program through The Global Citizen Program. Mrs. Summy is happy to provide additional information and answer any questions from parents and/or students. You may contact her by may also be found at
Grape Ape Club Jonathan Clogg The Grape Ape Club is a student-led club with the sole intention of promoting school spirit and pride.  The club hopes to lead initiatives and coordinate with other groups in designing costumes and themes for the student section at events and activities and is seeking to energize and inspire students to come and support their school at all of its events.
Guitar Club Kyle Berg This club is for students that play guitars and other guitar related things.  Students get together and learn more about the guitar and music.
Improv Club Quinn Whitaker The Improv Club will meet every other Tuesday in Mr. Whitaker’s room.  The Club gives students the opportunity to use their imagination and work together to create a show within a couple of minutes.
INTERACT Michelle Lester

Aaron Lester

INTERACT is a service club that develops leadership while discovering Service Above Self.  Interact club organizes at least two projects every year, one that helps their school or community and one that promotes international understanding. Interact meets twice a month on Wednesdays after school.
Language Learning Club Nathan Liston Language Learning Club meets once or twice a month for people who either want to learn or want to teach others a foreign language.  This club will help students create/grow interests in language outside of the ones the school offers.  Language Learning works best with a desire to learn and a group to help motivate you.
Mayor’s Youth Council Stephanie Erickson

The Indianola Mayor’s Youth Council provides Indianola high school students the opportunity to learn about our community and be actively involved with issues and projects, particularly those related to youth.  Activities include tours of city departments and local businesses, attendance at City Council meetings, and planning events, activities or service projects.

The Mayor’s Youth Council meets twice a month and is comprised of Indianola high school students from each of the four grade levels. Ninth grade members are selected each fall through an application and interview process. Members stay on the council for all 4 years of high school.

Serving on the Mayor’s Youth Council offers valuable leadership experience and active community involvement.  It provides the opportunity to work closely
with the mayor, city council members, city administrators, Indianola schools, community  leaders, local businesses, and residents in promoting and improving social, educational, cultural, and recreational activities for youth in Indianola.

Multiracial Support Club Jonathan Bethards
Multiracial Support Club is a student-led forum for students to share, support, discuss and alleviate violence and prejudice.  It supports students of all color and provides education for ongoing issues of equity, race and our student body.
Mid-winter One Act Play Wendy Arch Mid-Winter One-Acts are a group of scenes or one-act plays performed in January.  Mid-Winters allow students to explore different aspects of the theatre world in a performance setting.  Students can act, direct, design, and just generally have fun while participating in a new theatrical experience.
National Honor Society Maddysin Kingery The purpose of Indianola National Honor Society as stated in our bylaws, Article I shall be to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of Indianola High School.

Indianola NHS is open to juniors and seniors with a 3.5 cumulative grade point and no out of building suspensions, no violations of the good conduct code, and only one in-building suspension. 

Students who qualify will be sent a letter inviting them to apply to NHS. Further information will be disclosed at the parent meeting held in late October.

Ping Pong Club Kevin Barnes Ping Pong Club meets one day a week in the High School East Gym.  The Club’s goal is to have students play ping ping to help build student camaraderie and to have fun.
Rec Room Club Mitchell Sparks Rec Room Club is a place where students can relax, have fun and get away from all the schooling/stress of the outside.  This club meets every two weeks.
Robotics Club Lexi Riccardi The Indianola Robotics Club is an extra-curricular activity that supports mathematics and science education through the hands-on solving of complex problems. Skills Learned in math, physics, and computer science are applied to physical and strategic problems. It is both collaborative and competitive in nature. The IHS robotics club’s goal is to provide members with the opportunity to learn many aspects of robot design, construction, programming, and competition experience from mentors and experienced members. The club provides students with hands-on experience to boost their professional and technical skills.
Silver Cord Emily Schwery The program is based off of community service, and awards students who have completed a total of at least 150 service hours a silver cord to wear on their robes at graduation in recognition of their huge achievement. The goals of the Silver Cord Program are to encourage students to give back to their community, make volunteering a year round activity for students, and develop responsibility.
Special Olympics Jen Wolff Special Olympics uses sports to teach good sportsmanship, responsibility and to help people with intellectual disabilities become more accepted and valued members of their communities, which leads to a more respectful and inclusive society for all.
Stomp Out Stigma Emily Schwery The Stomp Out Stigma Club is a mental health club led by students that gives the students a voice and allows them to become leaders.  The club promotes education, awareness, resources and policy change in our building.
Student Council Josh Breitbarth

Nathan Carlin


The IHS Student Council helps share student ideas, interests, and concerns with IHS Staff and administration. They often help raise funds for school-wide activities including: social events, community projects, and helping people in need.  Service is also a requirement for the group. Class representatives and officers are elected in the spring for the following year.
Students Demand Action Jonathan Bethards Students Demand Action are high school students who are working toward a future free from gun violence.  We are organizing in our schools and communities to demand actions that will keep our communities safe.
Tech Club Mitchell Sparks IHS Tech Club focuses on hardware components of the computer. Students learn about the different parts of the computer, how they work, and how to assemble them into a functional computer.
Turning Point USA Mindy Percy Turning Point USA is a non-profit organization that seeks to educate students about limited government and capitalism.  The stated goal of the students desiring to create this club is to keep conservative values alive in their school.
UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) Quinn Whitaker


The UNICEF Clubs program is a youth led grassroots movement rooted in a belief that high school and college students in the United States have a vital role to play as the voice for children everywhere. UNICEF clubs partner with UNICEF USA to activate their local community by educating, advocating, and fundraising for UNICEF’s health, survival, protection and development work for children in over 190 countries and territories.  
Youth Alive Mindy Percy Youth Alive is a faith-based group designed to challenge students toward a Christ-centered walk with God.