High School Honor Rolls for Semester 1

The High School honor rolls for the 2020-2021 semester 1 school year have been released. Congratulations to our students on their accomplishments! A Honor Roll Sem 1 B Honor Roll Sem 1

Next Level Thankfulness

Next Level Thankfulness   Giving thanks shouldn’t just be about what we are given or how things are going for us. I write this fully understanding that I have much more than I need and have many tangible…


Come see Clue: On Stage with us live in the Indianola High School North Gymnasium at 7:00 p.m. Friday, 11/6 and Saturday, 11/7 or 2:00 p.m. Sunday, 11/8.  Seating is limited to encourage social distancing.  Masks are required….

Snow, Squalls, and Weather Calls

  Snow, Squalls, and Weather Calls The recent snow over the weekend was a good reminder that it is time to share some communication about snow days! The superintendent, in consultation with the transportation director, will make school…

Lessons from the Pandemic

Lessons from the Pandemic   As I am writing this blog, Warren County’s fourteen-day positivity rate is 6.6%, and Indianola CSD has been able to be fairly successful with face-to-face learning for over 85% of our students in…