Thankfulness–What’s the Point?

Thankfulness—What’s the Point?   Those who know me will understand that I’m not posing a snarky, rhetorical question with this blog title. I definitely appreciate a little wit and sarcasm, but this is not a Mark Twain, “No…

Gradually, Then Suddenly

Gradually, Then Suddenly   I was meeting with a student for a book study of Good to Great recently, and we were talking about what Jim Collins calls “the Flywheel Effect.” Collins does an effective job of explaining…

What is SIAC?

SIAC – short for School Improvement Advisory Committee, involves students, parents, teachers, community leaders, and industry & legislative representatives.  The committee looks at major educational needs in our district.  Student learning goals and state indicators focused on reading, math, and…

Emergency Drill Aug. 14th

On Tuesday Aug. 14th, from 9am–1pm, a joint training event conducted by the Indianola Police Department, the Indianola Fire Department, and the Indianola Community School District will be held at the Indianola High School. This training will be…

Don’t Let the Storms Get In

Don’t Let the Storms Get In   It feels a little surreal to be writing about storms as I look at the brown grass outside my window. Indianola has hardly had a drop of rain since the big…