The Messenger – Fall 2018
The fall edition of The Messenger should have arrived in your USPS mailbox by now, but for those of you who prefer to read it online, here it is, hot off the press!
The fall edition of The Messenger should have arrived in your USPS mailbox by now, but for those of you who prefer to read it online, here it is, hot off the press!
The first day of school is just around the corner! We have open house dates scheduled for you to come meet our staff and have a look around the buildings. Click the title of this post for more information.
On Tuesday Aug. 14th, from 9am–1pm, a joint training event conducted by the Indianola Police Department, the Indianola Fire Department, and the Indianola Community School District will be held at the Indianola High School. This training will be…
The Food Service Department participates in a summer food service program that allows us to have a direct impact on our community. All students age 3 to 18 are eligible for free breakfast and lunch during the summer…
The spring edition of The Messenger will soon hit your mailboxes by USPS, but for those of you who want to read it now, here it is, hot off the press!
The Indianola Community School District’s Strategic Plan says that we will seek “a culture of high expectations.” Certainly, student achievement in our district, as reported in this District Report Card, is an indicator of this culture…
Welcome New Students & Parents! To enroll new students in preschool or kindergarten, the parent or guardian must complete the registration process online. If you do not have access to a computer to complete the online registration process…
The district is pleased to offer online registration for all preschool and kindergarten students. Online registration will be available in early March via our website by clicking on the Enrollment link under District. If you have a child…
On Monday, January 15, the Indianola School Board approved the 2018-2019 school calendar. Following a public hearing the Board voted to adopt a calendar based on a minimum of 1080 hours of instruction. They ultimately approved a calendar…
On Monday, January 15th, we will be updating our Raptor Visitor Management software. After Monday, you will need to bring your driver’s license or a state ID card to have it re-scanned to be able to enter our…
We are proud to announce that we have recently partnered with Dynamic Scrip to offer a money saving mobile rewards program…
Whittier Elementary was also one of just five state schools (three elementary schools) to be honored as a National Blue Ribbon School. The honor was based on students’ scores on math and reading assessments.