Neighborhood Elementary School Zones

Elementary students have the option of attending traditional elementary school, or the year-round program at Irving Elementary. Traditional elementary students are typically assigned to elementary attendance centers according to their home address. However, sometimes program needs or class sizes necessitate assignment outside of one’s home attendance area. Rural and open enrolled students are considered unassigned to an attendance center and are enrolled according to class sizes. The following map depicts the residence zones for each elementary center.

Click on the box in the upper-right-hand corner of the map below to open a larger map. Then click on the search icon to enter an address.


At its February 14, 2023 meeting, the Indianola School Board approved new walk zone school boundaries which began with the 2023-24 school year. These boundaries represent areas where no bus transportation will be provided. 

Any resident elementary students who reside outside these boundaries are offered transportation to their district-assigned school. (e.g. ICSD elementary students who reside south of Hwy 92 will be assigned to a school based on need, while balancing class sizes.)

Emerson Elementary & High School 

The new walk (no school transportation) zone boundary lines for Indianola High School and Emerson Elementary School are:

  • North Boundary: From Hwy 65/69, south of E. Hillcrest Ave. straight east to N. 14th St.
  • South Boundary: North side of Hwy 92 from Hwy 65/69 east to N. 19th St.
  • East Boundary: N. 14th St. south to E. Iowa Ave., E. Iowa Ave. to N. 19th St., west side of N. 19th St. south to Hwy 92
  • West Boundary: East side of Hwy 65/69

Whittier & Irving Elementary Schools

The new walk zone boundary lines for Whittier and Irving Elementary Schools are: 

  • North Boundary: South side of Orchard Ave.
  • South Boundary: North side of Hwy 92
  • East Boundary: West side of Hwy 65/69
  • West Boundary: East side of Kenwood Blvd. north from Hwy 92, to the south side of W. Euclid Ave., W. Euclid Ave. east to North J St., east side of North J St. north to the north side of Iowa Ave., west on Iowa Ave. to a line between Ann Parkway and North L St., north to the south side of W. Orchard Ave.

Laura Ingalls Wilder (LIW) Elementary 

The new walk zone boundary lines for Laura Ingalls Wilder (LIW) Elementary School are:

  • North Boundary: South side of W. Orchard Ave. west extended to 110th Ave. (North Y St.)
  • South Boundary: North side of Hwy 92
  • East Boundary: West side of N. Kenwood Blvd. from Hwy 92 north to the north side of W. Euclid Ave., W Euclid Ave. east to North J St., west side of North J St. north to the south side of W. Iowa Ave., west on W. Iowa Ave. to a line between Ann Parkway and North L St., north to the south side of W. Orchard Ave.
  • West Boundary: East side of North Y St. (110th Ave.)

Middle school walk zone boundaries did not change.

The board’s action to update the boundaries assisted the district in placing students in schools based on need, while also balancing class sizes throughout the district.