Important safety issues around the school bus and during student transportation.



Danger Zones



According to the Iowa DOT (Department of Transportation), the greatest risk is not riding the bus to school but approaching or leaving the bus. The greatest danger zone is the 10 feet in front, behind and on each side of the school bus.


Required Stopping for Bus Stops


Iowa law requires all vehicles to stop when a school bus is loading or unloading students. Failure to stop for a school bus is very dangerous to the students at that stop and has major consequence for the driver of the vehicle. The above link will all requirements for stopping at school bus stops. Basic rule is a driver of any vehicle can not pass a school bus from either direction if the stop sign is extended and the red flashing lights are on. If amber lights are on, the driver of a vehicle can slow down and pass from the front but can not pass from the rear of the school bus.



Iowa DOT School Bus Safety Information

This Iowa DOT site has several great tips and very informative information about school bus safety.