All students can learn
Philosophy (We Believe . . .)
The Indianola CSD believes all students can learn and deserve to be taught in a manner that meets their unique developmental, social, emotional, behavioral, physical and academic needs. Through thoughtful collaboration, the development of individualized education programs, specially designed instruction, the provision of related services and supports and careful transition planning, entitled students will achieve their full potential and be well-prepared for life after school.
Theory of Action
If . . .
Special education teachers work collaboratively with parents, colleagues and other stakeholders to identify the unique needs of entitled students, develop individualized plans to meet these specific needs and implement these plans with fidelity…
They consistently implement child specific, research-based instructional strategies to supplement or intensify core instruction…
They use valid and reliable student data (e.g. formative and summative measures) to continuously adjust or refine their instruction…
Then . . .
Students entitled to special education will learn essential academic, social and functional skills at a faster rate and the achievement gap that exists between entitled students and their peers will close.