The Indianola CSD provides a full range of services and supports to students with unique needs. This includes students with disabilities and others experiencing problems that interfere with learning as well as students whose abilities are beyond those of many of their peers.  Services include:

Bullying and Harassment Supports- contact building principals

English For Speakers of Other Language (ESOL) Services- contact Brittany Murillo 961-9555

Gifted and Talented Services- contact Derek Morris, 961-9566

Homeless Education Assistance- contact Sarah Baker, 961-9500

Mental Health Supports- contact Kristy Ellis, 961-9535

School Counseling Services- contact Kristy Ellis, 961-9535

Section 504 Services- contact Sarah Baker, 961-9500

Special Education and Related Services, contact Sarah Baker, 961-9500

Student Health Services, contact Sarah Baker, 961-9500

For more information on these services, please click the navigational links under the Departments menu.