Teacher Leadership and Compensation (TLC) 

In the spring of 2013, the State of Iowa passed legislation creating the Teacher Leadership and Compensation (TLC) system. Iowa’s TLC system is one of the most progressive and comprehensive structures in the nation, leveraging the expertise of teachers to influence, support, and lead the work of teaching and learning. Multiple career pathways enable teachers to work collaboratively with school administrators and colleagues in roles ranging from full-time teaching of students to full-time engagement with teachers.

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Indianola’s TLC plan consists of a variety of teacher leadership opportunities.

  • Instructional Coaches partner with teachers to provide support, training, resources, and non-evaluative observation of and feedback about instruction. Some of our instructional coaches have specialized training and certification in Authentic Intellectual Work (AIW). Instructional coaches are fully released from classroom teaching in order to work with teachers in their classrooms as teaching occurs.
  • Professional Learning Community Team Leaders teach full-time within their own classrooms and meet regularly during the year to support Professional Learning Community (PLC) processes, in order to create high-performing teams that impact  student learning.
  • Collaboration and Innovation (C&I) teachers teach full-time within their own classrooms. C&I teachers partner with instructional coaches to study innovative instructional approaches, apply them within their classrooms, and support their use with other teachers. C&I teachers serve as classrooms for observation by teachers new to the profession and veteran teachers wishing to see instructional practices in action. 
  • The Teacher Mentor Coordinator increases the instructional skills of novice teachers and provides district and school induction activities.
  • The Teacher Leadership Coordinator provides training and resources for teacher leaders and supports schools with professional development, assessment, and instructional improvement.

ICSD Teacher Leadership Program Vision

“The Indianola Community School District’s teacher leadership system contains multiple pathways that allow teachers to collaborate, model, mentor, and have a voice in decision making for the purpose of teacher and student growth. Teacher leaders are passionate, goal-oriented, growth-minded learners focused on inspiring improvement. They respect and trust the expertise, professionalism, and individual circumstances of teachers in our district, offering non-evaluative, confidential, and collaborative opportunities for individual teachers to work toward their goals. Teacher leaders and teachers learn from one another in this work.”

ICSD Teacher Leadership Program Goals

Indianola’s TLC program is guided by several goals. These goals guide the work of our program and the training that teacher leaders receive. It also ensures that our program remains consistent with the program vision.

  • Support and retain new staff members.
  • Enhance professional development and support teachers’ integration of new learning to the classroom.
  • Provide opportunities for expanded leadership as a result of professional growth.
  • Enhance student learning and achievement.
  • Provide meaningful, authentic, individualized professional development through instructional coaching.


Leadership Opportunities in addition to TLC

Description of Focus Groups 2024-2025