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Welcome to the Indianola Information Technology Department
The Information Technology Department plans, implements, and supports technology for over 600 staff and 3600 students. The school district strives to provide staff and students with technology-rich work environments, not only through hardware purchases, but also through professional development. As part of the 2015-2020 strategic plan, the district renewed its commitment to technology by defining a technology goal and theory of action.
Theory of Action
- If the school board provides adequate funding for technology
- If the district maintains a robust technology infrastructure
- If the administration appropriately allocates technology resources so that the right tools are used the right ways at the right places
- If appropriate technology standards are implemented with integrity
- If administrators, teachers, and students make a continuous effort to be aware of the latest trends in technology
- If teachers receive appropriate professional development and put learning into action
- If teachers and students continue progressing in the SAMR Model (substitution, augmentation, modification, redefinition)
Then the district will maintain a reliable and scalable infrastructure that fosters the innovative integration of technology into educational programs and operational processes.
For general questions or assistance, please contact our help desk at 515-961-9500 x2503. Our scheduled hours of operation are from 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM CST, Monday through Friday.