The Indianola CSD will provide “grab-and-go” lunch service for district students age 3-18 beginning March 23, 2020. Sack lunches will be provided on a daily basis, Monday through Friday, for the duration of the current school closure. Lunches will be available from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Emerson Elementary, Whittier Elementary and Weinman Insurance from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Laura Ingalls Wilder Elementary school.
- Emerson Elementary (1109 E Euclid Ave): bus will be located in the bus pickup/dropoff area located near the front door of the building
- Whittier Elementary (1306 W Salem Ave): bus will be located in the bus pickup/dropoff area located near the kitchen door
- Laura Ingalls Wilder Elementary (2303 W Euclid Ave): bus will be located in the bus pickup/dropoff area located near the kitchen door
- Weinman Insurance (311 E 2nd Ave): bus will be located in the Northeast corner of the parking lot
Lunches will be distributed, one per child, from school busses parked in designated areas. They are not intended to be consumed on-site. The lunches will consist of meat and cheese sandwiches, fruit, fresh vegetables and small cartons of milk.